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What Is Cybersecurity? Its Types and Importance

Cybersecurity is the discipline of defending online-connected hardware, software, and data from cyberthreats. Both people and businesses use it to g…

Top 10 Types of Security Threats For Windows Users

Table of Contents Windows is an operating system designed by Microsoft . Windows comes preloaded on most new p…

How To Know If You Have Been Bugged

If you were to ask us, there's no feeling worse than when you think somebody might be watching you. But despite the feeling, every time you turn …

10 Android Security Tips

Gone are the days when your phone was just your phone. Now we are using our Android phones more often to store passwords, banking details,…

VPN - How It Works

What is VPN and How It Works? You've probably heard of a VPN before, it's even possible you've used one before. But do you…

How to secure your Laptop

How to secure your Laptop Securing digital devices is crucial now a days, as the hackers are attacking the devices everyday either if it is a ransomw…
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